Vincentia Sailing Club’s Jervis Bay Classic | 2025
The VSC’s Jervis Bay Classic is returning once again, once again taking place over the ANZAC Long Weekend.
The JB Classic will consist of:
- A long-distance race, known as the ‘Round the Bay Rally’ on ANZAC Day;
- Followed by short course racing on Saturday and Sunday.
- Please see the NOR & SIs for further details.
Back by popular demand, the Jervis Bay Brewing Co pop-up ‘Bands on the Bay’ at Vincentia Sailing Club will be open during the Easter Holidays!
FOOD TRUCKS (open 12-7pm)
- 24th & 25th – @elcantinamexican
- 26th & 27th – @nanisfoodtrucknew
BANDS (3-6pm)
- 25th – Tall Shaun
- 26th – Benji & The Saltwater Sound System
- 27th – Bong Bong All Stars
Presentation for the regatta will take place ASAP after racing on Sunday afternoon.
More details to come. Lock it into your calendar!
Apr 25
April 25, 2025 9:00 am - April 27, 2025 4:00 pm
Vincentia Sailing Club
Event Information Sheet
25TH – 27TH APRIL 2025
The organising authority is Vincentia Sailing Club.
Revised 08/03/2025
- The Regatta will be governed by the World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing 2025-2028 (RRS), the prescriptions and special regulations of Australian Sailing, the rules of the individual classes (except as any of these are altered by the Sailing Instructions) and the Sailing Instructions.
- Attention is drawn to RRS Part 1 Rule 3 ‘Decision to Race’ and RRS Rule 40.1 applies for this Regatta.
- Attention is also drawn to changes to RRS 46 Person in Charge – from 1 January 2022 all persons on board a boat while racing shall be members of a Club affiliated to Australian Sailing and have an active Australian Sailing number. You can check your AS number here
- The prescriptions of Australian Sailing will apply.
- Racing rule 40 will be changed as follows:
- Competitors shall wear personal flotation devices whilst afloat, except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment. Wet suits and dry suits are not personal flotation devices. Changes RRS Rule 40.
- Advertising will be as defined by World Sailing Regulation 20.
- Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the Organising Authority. If this rule is broken, World Sailing Regulation 20.9.2 applies. [DP]
- The official notice board will be located at the VSC Clubhouse.
- Upon entry to the regatta, the helm (and crew) will be added to a WhatsApp group where all notifications will be posted. Minimal notifications regarding the regatta will be made on the VSC Facebook and Instagram pages.
- Competitors shall be members of a sailing club affiliated with Australian Sailing or a National Authority.
- A minimum of 5 entries are required to form a class. If insufficient entries for a class are not received by 25th of April 2025, the Organising Authority has the right to merge classes.
- Entry shall be made online at
- Required registration fees are in $AUD as follows:
- double-handed $90
- double-handed youth (both crew under 21) $70
- single-handed $70
- single-handed youth (under 21) $50
- Registration & Payment: Friday 1100 – 1200 hrs
- Competitors Briefing 1300 hrs
- Anzac Day Round the Bay Rally (Race 1 of the regatta)
- Race Commencing at 1400 hrs
- Saturday – NO RACING BEFORE 1100 hrs
- Lunch: BYO food OR food trucks available w/ drinks from JBBC Popup Bar
- Dinner: purchase your own (location TBA)
- Sunday – NO RACING BEFORE 1100 hrs
- Breakfast Bacon & Egg Rolls
- Lunch: BYO food OR food trucks available w/ drinks from JBBC Popup Bar
- NO RACING AFTER 1500 hrs
- The sailing instructions can be found on the event webpage.
- Printed copies will not be available.
- Attachment A shows the venue and location of the racing area.
- The course(s) to be sailed will be as described in the Sailing Instructions.
- Any infringement caused on the race track must be rectified with a 1-turn penalty. If no penalty turn is made, the sailor(s) must provide the first (and/or second dependent on the severity) ‘round’ at Jervis Bay Brewing Co. X Vincentia Sailing Club Pop-Up Bar.
- One race is required to be completed to constitute a series.
- When fewer than four races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores.
- When 4 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.
- All competitors shall wear personal flotation devices whilst afloat which are in good condition and are in accordance with the specifications issued or approved by a national authority affiliated to the International Sailing Federation, or a standards organisation, or certification authority. Attention is drawn to Fundamental Rule 1.2
- Sailors are strongly recommended to use trapeze harnesses with a quick release hookless system or a quick release hook, which meets the ISO 10862 standard.
- HELMETS – If sailors wish to wear head protection it is strongly recommend they use helmets of European standard EN1385
- Team Managers, Coaches and other support personnel shall keep 100m clear of the course area after the warning signal, except in boats provided by the organising authority or when asked to assist by the Race Committee.
- Except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones.
- Boats and trailers shall be kept in the areas assigned by the Organising Authority while off the water.
- Prizes will be awarded at the discretion of the Organising Authority.
- In participating in an event, a competitor automatically grants the Organising Authority, the Class and the sponsors of the event, the right in perpetuity, to make, use and show, from time to time and at their discretion, any motion pictures, still pictures and live, taped or film television and other reproductions of him/her during the period of the competition for the said event in which the competitor participates and in all material related to the said event without compensation.
- Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk and they are reminded of the provisions of RRS 4, Decision to Race. Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore involves an element of risk. By taking part in the event, each competitor agrees and acknowledges that they participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk.
- They are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and accept responsibility for the exposure of themselves, their crew and the boat supplied to them to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the event.
- They are responsible for the safety of themselves, their crew, their boat and their other property whether afloat or ashore.
- They accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by their own actions or omissions.
- By participating in any race, they are satisfied that their boat is in good order, equipped to sail in the event and they are fit to participate.
- The provision of a race management team, patrol boats, umpires and other officials and volunteers by the organiser does not relieve them of their own responsibilities.
- The provision of patrol boat cover is limited to such assistance, particularly in extreme weather conditions, as can be practically provided in the circumstances.
- These terms do not operate to exclude any provision of the Australian Consumer Law that applies and cannot be excluded by agreement.
- Each participating boat shall present a valid insurance certificate showing proof of third party liability coverage of at least AUD $5,000,000 (recommended $10,000,000) (or equivalent) per incident.
- Competitors will be required to supply insurance details as part of the online entry.
- Any amendments to this Notice of Race will be posted on the event website at:
- For further information please contact the organisers via the website
- Act Responsibly.
- Keep an eye out for rocks, reefs and marine mammals.
- Take care of your mates.
- If wind, wave, or water conditions make you doubtful of your ability to handle the conditions, retire from the race.
Before raising the mast, and always while sailing, check for and avoid low overhead electrical power lines. If you see a power line, AVOID IT! A MAST COMING IN CONTACT OR EVEN NEAR AN ELECTRICAL POWER LINE CAN CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO PEOPLE ON OR TOUCHING THE BOAT!
25TH – 27TH APRIL 2025
The organising authority is Vincentia Sailing Club.
Revised 28/01/2025
- The Regatta will be governed by the World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing 2025-2028 (RRS), the prescriptions and special regulations of Australian Sailing, the rules of the individual classes (except as any of these are altered by the Sailing Instructions) and the Sailing Instructions.
- Attention is drawn to RRS Part 1 Rule 3 ‘Decision to Race’ and RRS Rule 40.1 applies for this Regatta.
- Attention is also drawn to changes to RRS 46 Person in Charge – from 1 January 2022 all persons on board a boat while racing shall be members of a Club affiliated to Australian Sailing and have an active Australian Sailing number. You can check your AS number here
- The prescriptions of Australian Sailing will apply.
- Racing rule 40 will be changed as follows:
- Competitors shall wear personal flotation devices whilst afloat, except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment. Wet suits and dry suits are not personal flotation devices. Changes RRS Rule 40.
- Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board in the club house and on the JB Classic Whatsapp Group.
- Changes to the Sailing Instructions will be posted before 09:00 hours on the day they will take effect. Schedule changes will be posted by 20:00 hours on the day before they are to take effect.
- There will be a competitors meeting outside the clubhouse on Friday 25th February at 1300. Other skippers’ meetings may be scheduled as required.
- Competitors must be aware of other classes racing, and keep clear of boats racing when sailing to and from the course.
- Signals made ashore will be displayed on the Flag pole at the front of the club house.
- When flag AP is displayed ashore, ‘1 minute’ is replaced with ‘not less than 30 minutes’ in race signal AP.
- Registration & Payment: Friday 1200 hrs
- Competitors Briefing 1300 hrs
- Anzac Day Round the Bay Rally (Race 1 of the regatta)
- Race Commencing at 1400hrs
- Saturday – NO RACING BEFORE 1100 hrs
- Lunch: BYO food OR food trucks available w/ drinks from JBBC Popup Bar
- Dinner: purchase your own (location TBA)
- Sunday – NO RACING BEFORE 1100 hrs
- Breakfast Bacon & Egg Rolls
- Lunch: BYO food OR food trucks available w/ drinks from JBBC Popup Bar
- NO RACING AFTER 1500 hrs
- Racing may be back to back (max of 4 races per session) with a maximum of 10 races for the series.
- When back-to-back races are to be held, the Race Committee Signals Vessel will display the Answering Pennant at the finish line. The warning signal for the next race will be made as soon as practicable after the finish of the preceding race. This changes race signals Answering Pennant.
- On the last day of the regatta, no warning signal will be made after 1500 hours.
- Class flags will be as follows:
- Monohulls: TBA
- Small Catamarans: TBA
- Large Catamarans: TBA
- Additional Divisions may be added dependent on entrants.
- The race area will be on the waters in the vicinity of VSC. See Attachment A.
- There are no areas of prohibited sailing.
- The course will be used as shown in Attachment B.
- All marks, except gates are to be left to port.
- When there is a gate, boats shall sail between the gate marks from the direction of the previous mark and round either gate mark.
- The offset mark, if used, is defined as a mark located approximately 50 to 100 metres from the windward mark and approximately at right angles to the wind direction. It applies both at the beginning of downwind legs and at reaches.
- Marks A and O will be a large orange inflatable buoys.
- Marks B1 and B2 will be a large yellow inflatable buoys.
- Marks C1 and C2 will be yellow self-inflating buoys.
- The starting line port end mark will have an orange flag.
- The finishing line starboard end mark will have a blue flag.
- Races will be started by using rule 26 with the warning signal given 3 minutes before the starting signal.
- The starting line will be between a staff displaying an Orange flag on the Race Committee Signal Vessel at the starboard end and the port end start mark.
- Boats whose warning signal has not been made shall avoid the starting area.
- A boat starting later than 4 minutes after her starting signal will be scored Did Not Start. This changes rule A4.2
- Start line obstruction: The start line shall rank as an obstruction for classes previously started while other classes are starting and in sequence until after the last class has successfully started.
- Minimum wind conditions: No race will be started in under 5 knots of wind at all marks of the course as determined by the Race Committee.
- The finish line will be between a staff displaying a Blue flag on the Race Committee Signal Vessel and the finish mark.
- Finish Line Obstruction: The finish line shall rank as an obstruction when a blue flag or shape is displayed on the Race Committee Signal Boat at the finish line.
- Any infringement caused on the race track must be rectified with a 1-turn penalty. If no penalty turn is made, the sailor(s) must provide the first (and/or second dependent on the severity) ‘round’ at Jervis Bay Brewing Co. X Vincentia Sailing Club Pop-Up Bar.
- All racing shall cease at 5:00pm. A boat not finished by this time will be scored as ‘Finished on Course’.
- Boats may be ‘FOC’ at the discretion of the race committee. All boats notified ‘FOC’ shall return immediately to the start area while avoiding any boats still racing. This changes rules 28.1, 35 and A4.1
- Protest forms are available at the sailing office. Protests shall be delivered there within the protest time limit.
- For each class, the protest time limit is 60 minutes after the last boat has finished the last race of the day. The same protest time limit applies to all protests by the Race Committee and Protest Committee and to requests for redress.
- Notices will be posted within 30 minutes of the protest time limit to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties. Hearings will be held in the VSC clubhouse beginning at the first reasonable opportunity after the completion of racing.
- The Low Point scoring system of Appendix A4.1 of the Racing Rules of Sailing will be used.
- One race is required to be completed to constitute a series.
- When fewer than four races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores.
- When 4 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.
- Any vessel that competing in the JB Classic that did not race in the RTBR will be awarded a DNC for race one.
- A boat that retires from racing shall notify the Race Committee as soon as possible.
- Boats shall not put rubbish in the water. Rubbish may be placed aboard support and Race Committee boats. OR, keep it on your boat and place it in a bin on shore.
- All race committee boats will identified at the sailors meeting.
- A boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones.
- Prizes will be awarded at the discretion of the Organising Authority.
- It is the competitor’s decision to enter an event or to start and continue in any race. Competitors shall accept that their participation in an event is at their exclusive risk in every respect. Attention is drawn to Fundamental Rule 4 – Decision to Race. The Organising Authority, and the respective host class association(s), their officers, members, servants and agents accept no liability in respect of loss of life, personal injury or loss or damage to property which may be sustained by reason of their participation or intended participation in an event or how so ever arising in connection with an event.
- The sponsors, organising authority and their officers, members, servants and agents and all parties involved in the organisation and conduct of the regatta shall not be liable in respect of loss of life, personal injury or loss or damage howsoever caused which may occur whether ashore or afloat during or in conjunction with the regatta.
- The Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions do not limit or reduce the complete and unlimited responsibilities of each competitor for the management and care of a boat that he or she has entered in the regatta.
- All boats competing shall have third party insurance cover of not less than AUD$5,000,000 or equivalent thereof in any other currency for any accident.
- All owners/competitors who sign the Entry Form are deemed to have made a declaration that they hold such cover. Competitors may be required to produce evidence of such insurance and any competitor not holding this cover shall withdraw their entry. Adequate race insurance is also recommended for this event.
- Race Committee boats shall rank as obstructions.
- The Race Committee will not answer any questions on the water.
- Any boat receiving ‘hands on’ assistance, whilst racing, from a Race Committee boat will be scored Did Not Finish. The Race Committee may decide when a boat or crew needs assistance.
- If wind, wave or water conditions make you doubtful of your ability to handle the conditions, retire from the race.
- Before raising the mast and always whilst sailing, check for and avoid low overhead electrical power lines. If you see a power line, avoid it. A mast coming in contact or even near an electrical power line can cause serious injury or death to people on or touching the boat.
- Sailors are strongly recommended to use trapeze harnesses with a quick release hookless system or a quick release hook, which meets the ISO 10862 standard
- If sailors wish to wear head protection it is strongly recommend they use helmets of European standard EN1385
- Advertising will be as defined by ISAF Regulation 20.
- Boats may be provided with, and required to display and maintain sponsors advertising on port and starboard hulls, in a location acceptable to the organising authority.
Course Mark Rounding Order (CATS)
- Start – A – O – G1/G2 – A – O – G2 – Finish
- Start – A – O – G1/G2 – A – O – G1/G2 – A – O – G2 – Finish
Course Mark Rounding Order (MONOS)
- Start – A – O – B1 – B2 – B1 – B2 – G2 – Finish
- Start – A – O – B1 – B2 – B1 – B2 – B1 – B2 – G2 – Finish
SAILING INSTRUCTIONS – VSC’s Anzac Day Round the Bay Rally (RTBR)
25TH APRIL 2025
The organising authority is Vincentia Sailing Club.
Revised 29/01/2025
- The RTBR will be governed by the World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing 2025-2028 (RRS), the prescriptions and special regulations of Australian Sailing, the rules of the individual classes (except as any of these are altered by the Sailing Instructions) and the Sailing Instructions.
- Attention is drawn to RRS Part 1 Rule 3 ‘Decision to Race’ and RRS Rule 40.1 applies for this Regatta.
- Attention is also drawn to changes to RRS 46 Person in Charge – from 1 January 2022 all persons on board a boat while racing shall be members of a Club affiliated to Australian Sailing and have an active Australian Sailing number. You can check your AS number here
- The prescriptions of Australian Sailing will apply.
- Racing rule 40 will be changed as follows:
- Competitors shall wear personal flotation devices whilst afloat, except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment. Wet suits and dry suits are not personal flotation devices. Changes RRS Rule 40.
- Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board in the club house and on the JB Classic WhatsApp Group.
- Changes to the Sailing Instructions will be posted before 09:00 hours on the day they will take effect. Schedule changes will be posted by 20:00 hours on the day before they are to take effect.
- There will be a competitors meeting outside the clubhouse on Friday 25th February at 1300. Other skippers’ meetings may be scheduled as required.
- Competitors must be aware of other classes racing, and keep clear of vessels racing when sailing to and from the course.
- Signals made ashore will be displayed on the Flag pole at the front of the club house.
- When flag AP is displayed ashore, ‘1 minute’ is replaced with ‘not less than 30 minutes’ in race signal AP.
- Registration & Payment: Friday 1200 hrs
- Competitors Briefing 1300 hrs
- Anzac Day Round the Bay Rally (Race 1 of the JB Classic)
- Race Commencing at 1400hrs
- Any changes to this time (weather dependent) will be posted in accordance with the above NOTICE TO COMPETITORS)
- Class flags will be as follows:
- Monohulls: TBA
- Small Catamarans: TBA
- Large Catamarans: TBA
- Additional Divisions may be added dependent on entrants.
- The race area will be on the moona moona (waters of Jervis Bay).
- There are no areas of prohibited sailing.
- Course(s) (Attachment B) to be sailed by each Division/Class will be advised at the competitors’ meeting.
- All marks will be rounded as prescribed in Attachment A.
- All landmarks are considered obstacles in the course, a vessel must avoid in the manner in which they choose.
- Courses to be sailed by each Division/Class will be advised at the competitors’ meeting.
- As described in Attachment A.
- Races will be started by using rule 26 with the warning signal given 3 minutes before the starting signal.
- The starting line will be between a staff displaying an Orange flag on the Race Committee Signal Boat at the starboard end and the port end start mark.
- Boats whose warning signal has not been made shall avoid the starting area.
- A boat starting later than 10 minutes after her starting signal will be scored Did Not Start. This changes rule A4.2
- Start line obstruction: The start line shall rank as an obstruction for classes previously started while other classes are starting and in sequence until after the last class has successfully started.
- The finish line will be between a staff displaying a Blue flag on the Race Committee Signal Boat and the finish mark.
- Finish Line Obstruction: The finish line shall rank as an obstruction when a blue flag or shape is displayed on the Race Committee Signal Boat at the finish line.
- Any infringement caused on the race track must be rectified with a 1-turn penalty. If no penalty turn is made, the sailor(s) must provide the first (and/or second dependent on the severity) ‘round’ at Jervis Bay Brewing Co. X Vincentia Sailing Club Pop-Up Bar.
- There will be no time limit. Boats may be ‘Finished On Course’ (FOC) at the discretion of the race committee. All boats notified ‘FOC’ shall return immediately to the start area while avoiding any boats still racing. This changes rules 28.1, 35 and A4.1
- Protest forms are available at the sailing office. Protests shall be delivered there within the protest time limit.
- For each class, the protest time limit is 60 minutes after the last boat has finished the last race of the day. The same protest time limit applies to all protests by the Race Committee and Protest Committee and to requests for redress.
- Notices will be posted within 30 minutes of the protest time limit to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties. Hearings will be held in the VSC clubhouse beginning at the first reasonable opportunity after the completion of racing.
- The RTBR will constitute as the first race of the VSC’s JB Classic.
- The Low Point scoring system of Appendix A4.1 of the Racing Rules of Sailing will be used.
- Any vessel competing in the JB Classic, but not competing in the RTBR, will be awarded a DNC.
- Any vessel competing only in the RTBR will be awarded a DNC for every heat in the JB Classic.
- A boat that retires from racing shall notify the Race Committee as soon as possible.
- Boats shall not put rubbish in the water. Rubbish may be placed aboard support and Race Committee boats. OR, keep it on your vessel and place it in a bin on shore.
- All Race Committee boats will identified at the sailors meeting.
- A vessel shall make radio transmissions or phone calls, while racing, ONLY if they are in distress.
- Prizes will be awarded for divisional winners of the RTBR.
- It is the competitor’s decision to enter an event or to start and continue in any race. Competitors shall accept that their participation in an event is at their exclusive risk in every respect. Attention is drawn to Fundamental Rule 4 – Decision to Race. The Organising Authority, and the respective host class association(s), their officers, members, servants and agents accept no liability in respect of loss of life, personal injury or loss or damage to property which may be sustained by reason of their participation or intended participation in an event or how so ever arising in connection with an event.
- The sponsors, organising authority and their officers, members, servants and agents and all parties involved in the organisation and conduct of the regatta shall not be liable in respect of loss of life, personal injury or loss or damage howsoever caused which may occur whether ashore or afloat during or in conjunction with the regatta.
- The Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions do not limit or reduce the complete and unlimited responsibilities of each competitor for the management and care of a vessel that he or she has entered in the regatta.
- All boats competing shall have third party insurance cover of not less than AUD$5,000,000 or equivalent thereof in any other currency for any accident.
- All owners/competitors who sign the Entry Form are deemed to have made a declaration that they hold such cover. Competitors may be required to produce evidence of such insurance and any competitor not holding this cover shall withdraw their entry. Adequate race insurance is also recommended for this event.
- Race Committee boats shall rank as obstructions.
- The Race Committee will be available to answer any questions on the water; however not whilst they are in sequence or finishing.
- Any boat receiving ‘hands on’ assistance, whilst racing, from a Race Committee boat will be given a 10 minute time penalty. The Race Committee may decide when a vessel or crew needs assistance.
- If wind, wave or water conditions make you doubtful of your ability to handle the conditions, retire from the race.
- Before raising the mast and always whilst sailing, check for and avoid low overhead electrical power lines. If you see a power line, avoid it. A mast coming in contact or even near an electrical power line can cause serious injury or death to people on or touching the boat.
- Sailors are strongly recommended to use trapeze harnesses with a quick release hookless system or a quick release hook, which meets the ISO 10862 standard
- If sailors wish to wear head protection it is strongly recommend they use helmets of European standard EN1385
- Where possible, carry a mobile phone with an allocated VSC phone number (to be advised on the day).
- Carry sufficient water for at least three hours.
- Advertising will be as defined by ISAF Regulation 20.
- Boats may be provided with, and required to display and maintain sponsors advertising on port and starboard hulls, in a location acceptable to the organising authority.
Attachment A
- Course One (A) – 12.5nm
- Start (between JS1 & VSC Poly) – 030(P) – 12D(S) – 001(S) – 8B(S) – 8D(S) – Finish (between JS1 & VSC Poly)
- Course One (B) – 24.3nm
- Start (between JS1 & VSC Poly) – 030(P) – 12D(S) – 001(S) – 8B(S) – 8D(S) – 030(S) – 12D(S) – 001(S) – 8B(S) – 8D(S) – Finish (between JS1 & VSC Poly)
- Course Two (A) – 5nm
- Start (between JS1 & VSC Poly) – 030(P) – 12D(S) – 12C(S) – 002(P) – Finish (between JS1 & VSC Poly)
- Course Two (B) – 6nm
- Start (between JS1 & VSC Poly) – 030(P) – 12D(S) – 12C(S) – 12D(S) – 12C(S) – 002(P) – Finish (between JS1 & VSC Poly)
- Course Three (C) – 7.5nm
- Start (between JS1 & VSC Poly) – 030(P) – 12D(S) – 12C(S) – 12D(S) – 12C(S) – 12D(S) – 12C(S) – 002(P) – Finish (between JS1 & VSC Poly)
- Course Three (A) – 6.7nm
- Start (between JS1 & VSC Poly) – 030(P) – 12D(S) – 12A(S) – 12B(S) – 12C(S) – 002(P) – Finish (between JS1 & VSC Poly)
- Course Three (B) – 10nm
- Start (between JS1 & VSC Poly) – 030(P) – 12D(S) – 12A(S) – 12B(S) – 12C(S) – 12D(S) – 12A(S) – 12B(S) – 12C(S) – 002(P) – Finish (between JS1 & VSC Poly)
- Course Four – 15.3nm
- Start (between JS1 & VSC Poly) – 030(P) – 12D(S) – 001(S) – 8B(S) – 8D(S) – 7A(S) – 7B(S) – 030(S) – Finish (between JS1 & VSC Poly)
- Course Five (A) – 9nm
- Start (between JS1 & VSC Poly) – 002(P) – 7B(P) – Finish (between JS1 & VSC Poly)
- Course Five (B) – 9nm
- Start (between JS1 & VSC Poly) – 7B(s) – 002(S) – Finish (between JS1 & VSC Poly)
- Course Six – 10nm
- Start (between JS1 & VSC Poly) – 030(P) – Murrays Beach(P) – 030(P) – Finish (between JS1 & VSC Poly)
- Course Seven – 11nm
- Start (between JS1 & VSC Poly) – 030(S) – Bowen Island(P) – 030(P) – Finish (between JS1 & VSC Poly)
- Course Eight – 21.2nm
- Start (between JS1 & VSC Poly) – 030(P) – 12D(S) – 001(S) – 8B(S) – 8D(S) – 7A(S) – 7B(S) – Long Nose(P) – 6C(S) – 6A(S) – Long Nose(S) – FI(4) Y 15S(S) – 030(P) – Finish (between JS1 & VSC Poly)
2024 VSC Championship Regatta
Class: Dragoon – 3 Races Sailed with 0 Drops
Place | Score | Boat Name | Skipper | Crew | Sail No | Ht 1 | Ht 2 | Ht 3 | Ht 4 | Ht 5 | Ht 6 | Ht 7 |
1 | 8 | Dragoon 1 | Violet Martin | Jamie Martin | 1392 | 1.0 | 2.0C | 2.0C | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | [2.0C] |
Place | Score | Boat Name | Skipper | Sail No | ||||||||
1 | 12 | Ditch The Crew | Andrew McKenzie | 45737 | 3.0 | [5.0] | 1.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 | |
2 | 15 | Red Hot | Rod Waterhouse | 63437 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | [4.0] | 3.0 | |
3 | 22 | La Cheeki | Carmen Andrews | 40176 | 10.0 | 1.0 | [18.0C] | 4.0 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 4.0 | |
4 | 35 | Bulls Eye | Andrew Spinelli | 40189 | [11.0] | 4.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | |
5 | 39 | Brian | Brian Baits | 63140 | 2.0 | 7.0 | 4.0 | 10.0 | [10.0] | 9.0 | 7.0 | |
6 | 42 | Quicksilver | Darren Schmidt | 63407 | 5.0 | 6.0 | 3.0 | 11.0 | 6.0 | 11.0 | [18.0S] | |
7 | 43 | Sur Ganji | Bryn Mills | 45725 | 18.0C | 18.0C | [18.0C] | 1.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 | 2.0 | |
8 | 45 | Monkey Business | Huon Saul | 45726 | 9.0 | [11.0] | 9.0 | 6.0 | 8.0 | 7.0 | 6.0 | |
9 | 48 | Revolution 14 | Adrian Mills | 55107 | 6.0 | 9.0 | 7.0 | 9.0 | 11.0 | 6.0 | [18.0S] | |
10 | 52 | Warrior Princess | Peter Dobson | 63276 | 7.0 | 8.0 | 5.0 | 7.0 | 7.0 | 18.0F | [18.0S] | |
11 | 57 | Sparks | Kerry Waterhouse | 63438 | 12.0 | 3.0 | 6.0 | 14.0 | [14.0] | 12.0 | 10.0 | |
12 | 59 | Sea Turtle | Michael Taylor | 50053 | 12.0 | 10.0 | 10.0 | [12.0] | 9.0 | 10.0 | 8.0 | |
13 | 67 | Squiggly | Steven Anderson | 63300 | 8.0 | 13.0 | 11.0 | 13.0 | 13.0 | [13.0] | 9.0 | |
14 | 79 | Bob | Jeramy Lawson | 071 | 5.0 | 12.0 | 8.0 | [18.0C] | ||||
15 | 95 | No Name | Howard Woolley | 44879 | 14.0 | 12.0 | 18.0OCS | 15.0 | 18.0C | 18.0F | [18.0C] | |
16 | 105 | Doug Wisemantel | 41791 | 15.0 | [18.0F] | |||||||
17 | 108 | Frisky | Bec Greentree | 60267 | 18.0C | 18.0S | 18.0C | 18.0C | 18.0C | 18.0C | [18.0C] |
Place | Score | Boat Name | Skipper | Sail No | |||||||
1 | 8 | Partial Recall | Mark Rutherford | 793 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 2.0 | [2.0] | 1.0 | |
2 | 21 | OK Dinghy | Dave Haseldine | 780 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | [4.0] | |
3 | 24 | Pocket Rocket | Pam Johnston | 748 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | [7.0] | 6.0 | 5.0 | |
4 | 24 | Rusty | Anthony Johnston | 762 | 5.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | [6.0] | 3.0 | 3.0 | |
5 | 34 | 4 | 1.0 | 1.0 | [2.0] | ||||||
6 | 37 | Ajax | Blake Russell | 750 | [8.0] | 7.0 | 6.0 | 4.0 | 5.0 | 7.0 | |
7 | 39 | Lion | Andrew Thyrd | 781 | 6.0 | [8.0] | 7.0 | 5.0 | 7.0 | 6.0 | |
8 | 42 | Endaxi | Matthew Mitchell | 737 | 4.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 9.0 | 9.0 | [10.0F] |
Division: Mixed Big Boat Fleet
Place | Score | Boat Name | Skipper | Crew | Class | Ht 1 | Ht 2 | Ht 3 | Ht 4 | Ht 5 | Ht 6 | Ht 7 | |
1 | 8 | Viking | Egbert Dooper | Helen Mills | Nacra 5.8NA | [6.0] | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 | |
2 | 16 | Munyunga | Pat Butler | Zoe / Ed & Lottie | Hobie 16 | [4.0] | 3.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 1.0 | 3.0 | |
3 | 17 | French Connection | Mick Butler | Fin / Oliver & Ava | Hobie 16 | 1.0 | 4.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 4.0 | 4.0 | [4.0] | |
4 | 21 | The Suburbia Disturba | Dave Fisher | Hayley Fisher | Hobie 16 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 6.0 | 4.0 | [7.0] | 2.0 | 5.0 | |
5 | 22.5 | Ewie Boom | Nigel Cotsell | Aiden Connolly | Hobie 16 | 3.0 | 6.0 | 4.5 | 5.0 | 2.0 | [6.0] | 2.0 | |
6 | 32.5 | Get it wet | Jake de Rooy | Alannah Simpson | Hobie 18 | 5.0 | 7.0 | 4.5 | [7.0] | 5.0 | 5.0 | 6.0 | |
7 | 44 | Her BroomSticks | Kerry Driver | Andrew Driver | Hobie 18 | 7.0 | 5.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 | 9.0 | 7.0 | [11.0C] | |
8 | 47 | Donkey Business | Arthur Targa | Justin Nyholm | Nacra 5.8NA | 9.0 | 8.0 | 7.0 | [9.0] | 8.0 | 8.0 | 7.0 | |
9 | 56 | Bayside Optical | James Rhodes | Steph Lord | Hobie 16 | 11.0C | 11.0C | 11.0C | 6.0 | 6.0 | 11.0C | [11.0C] | |
10 | 59 | Miss Guided | Kiaran Lomas | Taipan 4.9 Cat | 8.0 | 9.0 | 9.0 | 11.0F | 11.0C | 11.0C | [11.0C] |