Our Sailing Schedule

Race Duty Staff:
A) Duty personnel need to be at the Club by 9:30am.
B) Set up Club for the day including erecting shade cover.
C) Provide detailed Sailing Briefing at Clubhouse between 10:00 and 10:30am.
D) Races to start between 10:30am and 4:00pm. Wind dependent.
E) To provide race results to the Club Race Officer as soon as possible after racing is finished.
Canteen Duty:
A) Food preparation and liasal with the VSC food officer.
B) Responsible for BBQ lunch preparation and clean up of the BBQ and Club House.
If unable to attend a duty, please arrange for suitable replacement personnel and inform the Commodore of the replacement person no later than the night before.

Keep up to date with our events

8-9, February 2025KPMG Australia SailGPSydneyNSW
15-16, February 2025Big Boat RegattaTanilba Bay Sailing ClubNSWAll Classes of Catamaran 16ft and over
21-23, February 2025VSC Camping Weekend & NSW State Championships Great Lakes Sailing ClubNSWAll Classes of Hobie Cat
8-10, March 2025VIC State ChampionshipsRosebud Yacht ClubVICAll Classes of Hobie Cat
22-23, March 2025Ian Holly Memorial RegattaToukley Sailing ClubNSWAll Classes
14-17, April 2025CHS Sailing ChampionshipsBelmont 16sNSWAll Classes (High School Groms Only)
Sunday 20th April 2025Easter Round the Bay RallyVincentia Sailing ClubNSWAll Classes
25-27, April 2025Jervis Bay ClassicVincentia Sailing ClubNSWAll Classes
7-9, June 2025Bad News RegattaGold Coast Catamaran ClubQLDAll Classes
3-6, October 2025Wildcat RegattaGreat Lakes Sailing ClubNSWAll Classes
October, 202514ft RegattaMannering Park Sailing ClubNSWHobie 14s
November, 2025NSW Hobie Cat State ChampionshipsTBANSWHobie 16, Hobie 18