Latest News

VSC’s T-Shirt Order Form

Who’s keen for some new threads? The VSC is looking to order a new run [...]

Sunday Sailing | 9th February ’25

With light conditions forecast, discussions were had early about whether to run the Round the [...]

Sunday Sailing | 2nd February ’25

It was another sensational day on the water, with a blissful nor’easter steadily building throughout [...]

Sunday Sailing | 19th January ’25

It was another sensational day at the Vincentia Sailing Club for the Double-Handed Championship. The [...]

VSC’s Camping Weekend & NSW Hobie Cat Championships

In years gone by, the Vincentia Sailing Club has held an annual camping weekend as [...]

Sunday Sailing | 12th January ’25

Vincentia Sailing Club Weekly Report – Sunday, 12th January 2025 It was a sensational start [...]

Sunday Sailing (Christmas Edition) | 22nd December ’24

The long-anticipated Vincentia Sailing Club Christmas Party was once again a glorious success, bringing together [...]

Sunday Sailing | 15th December ’24

It was another fantastic day at the Vincentia Sailing Club, with a great turnout for [...]

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G’Day, Sailors!

If you haven’t joined us on the beach at Vincentia, why not? We’re easy to find, and only two and a half to three hours from Sydney, south along the Princes Highway. The good folks at Google have done all the hard work and will give you directions from your door to our beach.

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Regatta reports - check out the VSC's success on the race course

Championship Regatta – Day Two

It was another sensational day of sailing on Jervis Bay for the second day of [...]

Championship Regatta – Day One

It was a late start to the morning for the first day of the VSC’s [...]

Vincentia Sailing Club’s Championship Regatta

Come along and celebrate another sensational sailing season in Jervis Bay! The VSC is thrilled [...]

NSW Hobie Cat Championships | Kurnell Catamaran Club

Joining the contingent of cargo ships, jellyfish, and planes overhead on the flat waters of [...]

Jervis Bay Hobie 14 Sailors Reign Supreme in a Strong Start to the Season

In October, the Vincentia Sailing Club’s Hobie 14 sailors once again demonstrated their prowess on [...]

Sailing Success Continues for the Vincentia Sailing Club – A Belated Update

Success has continued on the water for the mighty mariners at the Vincentia Sailing Club, [...]

Paddy & Mick Dominate at the Hobie 14 World Championships

Was there ever a doubt Team Australia wouldn’t pull off The Italian Job… On the [...]

Winners are Grinners for the Vincentia Sailing Club at the NSW & Victorian Hobie State Championships

It's been a successful last couple of months for the Vincentia Sailing Club, with champions [...]