About Vincentia Sailing Club

Tired of your daily grind? Tired of wading through the hassles of the working week?

If you haven’t joined us on the beach at Vincentia, why not? We’re easy to find, and only two hours from Sydney, south along the Princes Highway. The good folks at Google have done all the hard work and will give you directions from your door to our beach.

Join us for the best breeze the South Coast has to offer!

Only two hours from Sydney, Vincentia Sailing Club is located at Plantation Point, on the western shore of stunningly beautiful Jervis Bay. The scenery is magnificent and members enjoy sailing on an unpolluted, uncrowded waterway that is World class.

Our predominant breezes in the summer include the iconic North-Easterly Sea-breeze, known traditionally in Dhurga by the Wodi-Wandandian people of the Yuin Nation as ‘Baliya‘ . The refreshing South-Easterly, ‘Miringama‘ is also predominant during both summer and winter, and often brings the much needed cool change. While the relentless, and sometimes unforgiving, ‘Gurugama‘, the west wind, will always keep you on your toes. So, no matter what the breeze, our sailors are always met with excellent conditions that will keep them on the water all day long.

New members and visitors are always welcome, so why not come check it out!

Races are held most Sundays from September through to April. Check our up-to-date calendar for all the details.

A fleet consisting of Hobie Cats, F18s, Nacra, A-Class and Taipan catamarans race regularly race regularly, but all classes of ‘off the beach’ cat are more than welcome.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Picturesque beaches, the best breeze on the east coast, eagles, dolphins and whales, how good!

So why not join us down at Plantation Point for a day on the water you’ll never forget!

View our Sailing Schedule

Our committee

The VSC’s Committee is made up of a group of diverse individuals with the singular goal of fostering a supportive community of sailors, aiming develop and grow the sport of sailing in Jervis Bay.

Alongside our Executive and General Committee, we have a number of smaller groups that work towards particular goals within the Club. These may change overtime dependent on needs and/or issues of the club. Currently in action are:

  • Sailing Committee (Weekly Club Racing)
  • Youth Development Sub-Committee
  • Clubhouse Development Sub-Committee
  • Regatta Sub-Committee

VSC’s Joint Committee

PositionNamePhone Number
CommodoreJake de Rooy0412 433 495
Vice-CommodoreJeremy Lawson0422 567 654
SecretaryJocelyn Hood0410 706 066
TreasurerAndrew Spinelli0447 999 845
Media & PublicityPaddy Butler0448 586 532
Public LiaisonCraig Hatton0414 376 845
Regatta CoordinatorMick Butler0402 908 785
Gear StewardAndrew McKenzie0412 615 990
Race Officer & Sailing Committee CoordinatorAdrian Mills
First Aid OfficerClare Eastment
Catering OfficersMarc Hooper & Rene Hodder
contact us View our Constitution, PDF

Find Us

G’Day, Sailors!

If you haven’t joined us on the beach at Vincentia, why not? We’re easy to find, and only two and a half to three hours from Sydney, south along the Princes Highway. The good folks at Google have done all the hard work and will give you directions from your door to our beach.

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