Discover Sailing Day Wrap Up

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What a great day on the Bay!

What an epic day for the VSC Discover Sailing Day!

A 10-12 knot sea-breeze blowing across the Bay allowed for perfect conditions on the Moona Moona. The Hobie Waves, Dragoons, Bravo, Getaway, along with Clare, Steve, MB & Paddy’s 16 all hit the water with new families and friends in tow.

It was excellent to see so many excited and enthusiastic new faces at our sailing club, and we hope that we’ll be seeing you all again in the weeks to come! Please use our website for further information and for phone numbers of our executive committee.

Since we only have a couple of months left in our season, the VSC has decided that any new membership sign-up for the remainder of this season is to carry through for the whole of next summer.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!

Mick Butler | VSC Commodore