Category Archives: News

Sunday Sailing | 13th October ’24

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The Vincentia Sailing Club’s weekend of racing began with anticipation as the Nor’Easter teased its arrival, fashionably late by an hour but ultimately delivering the exciting conditions sailors had hoped for. With a fleet eager to hit the water, it was Adrian who wisely predicted the weather, calling for an early start. The wind, however, […]

Sunday Sailing | 29th September ’24

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It was another exceptional weekend of sailing in Jervis Bay, as the VSC hosting the NSW Hobie Cat Association’s Hobie 14 Coaching Camp from Friday afternoon, through till Sunday’s single-handed championship. With a a grand total of 11 x Hobie 14s hitting the race track on Sunday, along with the Waves, Getaway, Dragoon and Hobie […]

Sunday Sailing | 8th September ’24

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It was another splendid Sunday on Jervis Bay, following on from one of the greatest starts to the spring season we could’ve hoped for. With the first Round the Bay Rally locked in for the week, Adrian & Paddy deliberated all week determining the most suitable course for the wind forecast. As always with a […]

Notice of Annual General Meeting

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Dear Life Member,  Members and Committee The Vincentia Sailing Club would like to invite you to attend the Annual General Meeting, taking place at the Country Club, St Georges Basin on 17 August 2024 at 4:30 pm. Agenda: Minutes of previous AGM and SGM Commodore’s Report Treasurer’s Report Special business 2024-2025 Committee Nominations & Voting, […]

Season 23/24 Presentation & Awards

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The Vincentia Sailing Presentation evening for the 44th Sailing Season went with astounding success, with more sailors tan ever before heading home from the Country Club with a number of prestigious awards. Thank you to Race Officer, John and the vast number of volunteers who have ran club racing almost every Sunday September through till […]

Championship Regatta – Day Two

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It was another sensational day of sailing on Jervis Bay for the second day of the end-of-season Championship event. With another slow start to the morning in regard to the breeze, the bustling activity of sailors on location was evident from a mile away. The intrepid team at the VSC were marking the special weekend […]